Waf Charm


AWS WAF is Now Available in Four New Regions! WafCharm & Managed Rules are also Available!

【Table of contents​】

  1. 1. Introduction
  2. 2. List of supported regions of AWS WAF (As of July 3rd, 2019)
  3. 3. WafCharm availability
  4. 4. CSC’s Managed Rules availability

【1. Introduction】

On July 3rd, 2019 (US Pacific Time), it was announced that AWS WAF and AWS Shield Advanced are available in four new regions: EU (Paris), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Canada (Central), South America (Sao Paulo).

AWS WAF and AWS Shield Advanced Now Available in EU (Paris), Canada (Central), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), and South America (Sao Paulo)

This release is expected to increase the usage area of AWS WAF and further increase the number of AWS WAF users.
Following this, both WafCharm and CSC’s Managed Rules(Cyber Security Cloud Managed Rules for AWS WAF -HighSecurity OWASP Set-)are now available to use in the four new regions.

【2. List of supported regions of AWS WAF (As of July 3rd, 2019)】

・US / EU Region


・Asia Pacific Region

※Red check marks are for newly available regions.


【3. WafCharm Availability】

You can select the following 4 new regions from:
WafCharm management screen> Web ACL Config> "Choose your AWS region"

・Paris (eu-west-3)
・Canada (ca-central-1)
・Sao Paulo (sa-east-1)
・Mumbai (ap-sourh-1)

With the expansion of AWS WAF regions, WafCharm, a service for automation of AWS WAF operations, is now available in 16 AWS regions.


【4. CSC’s Managed Rules Availability】

With the expansion of AWS WAF regions, AWS WAF Managed Rules can now also be used in the 4 new regions.
Since February 20th, 2019, Cyber Security Cloud has started selling Managed Rules as a certified seller on the AWS Marketplace.

CSC’s Managed Rules:
Product Name: Cyber Security Cloud Managed Rules for AWS WAF -HighSecurity OWASP Set-

Product Page: https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/B07L8P81B3

Please refer to the following blog for procedure to start using Managed Rules.
Blog: https://www.wafcharm.com/en/wp/blog/aws-waf-managed-rule-subscription/