Waf Charm


Press release

Both “Shadankun” and “WafCharm” won the Advanced Technology Award at the ASPIC IoT/AI/Cloud Awards 2020

Cyber Security Cloud, Inc. is pleased to announce that its cloud-based WAF "Shadankun" and service for automation of AWS WAF and Azure WAF operations "WafCharm" have both won the "Advanced Technology Award" in the ASP/SaaS category and in the AI category respectively at the "ASPIC IoT/AI/Cloud Awards 2019" hosted by the ASP/SaaS/IoT Cloud Consortium, a non-profit organization.

■ About Shadankun
Cloud-based WAF "Shadankun" is a web security service that detects and blocks cyber-attacks on websites and web servers. Utilizing Cyneural, an attack detection AI engine using deep learning, it detects general attacks as well as unknown attacks and false-positives at high speeds, while Cyhorus, one of the world's leading threat intelligence teams, quickly responds to the latest threats. Also, it has been ranked No. 1 in Japan in terms of adoption rate. *1

For more information, please visit https://www.shadan-kun.com/

■ About WafCharm
WafCharm is an AI-based automatic rule (signature) management service for AWS WAF and Azure WAF, which has the largest number of installed users in Japan^2. It is equipped with an AI engine "WRAO"^3 (Patent No. 6375047) that automatically selects the most optimal WAF rules using machine learning, based on trillions of Big Data cultivated through in-house developed cloud-based WAF “Shadankun”, which has the No. 1 adoption rate in Japan.

The cyber threat information monitoring team of security researchers "Cyhorus" responds quickly to the latest threats, and by offering individual customization by top-class security engineers with flexible services tailored to the needs of customers, WafCharm has made AWS WAF operations easier for users.

For more information, please visit https://www.wafcharm.com/en/

■ About ASPIC IoT, AI and Cloud Award
With the support of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and other organizations, the ASP, SaaS, IoT Cloud Consortium (ASPIC) judges Japan-based ASP, SaaS, IaaS, PaaS, IoT and AI services and data centers and the user companies that use them, and awards "ASPIC IoT, AI, and Cloud Award" for excellent cloud services that are socially beneficial, safe and secure.

■ About Cyber Security Cloud
With an aim to create a secure cyberspace that people around the world can use safely, Cyber Security Cloud provides web application security services worldwide using the world's leading cyber threat intelligence and AI technology. CSC is also certified as the 7th AWS WAF Managed Rules Seller in the world by AWS (Amazon Web Service) which boasts a 47.8% global cloud market share^4.

As a leading cybersecurity company, CSC plans to continue to strive to improve and develop new technologies and aims to be a company that can deliver effective security solutions to contribute to the information revolution.

For more information, please visit https://www.cscloud.co.jp/en/

^1: Market research on "cloud-based WAF services" (as of June 16, 2019) [Research by ESP Research Institute (May 2019 to June 2019)]
^2: Japan Marketing Research Organization (JMRO) Survey Summary: FY07/2020_Actual survey
^3: Only compatible with AWS WAF Classic.
^4: Gartner(August 2020)・・・Worldwide Iaas Public Cloud Services Market Share, 2018-2019