Waf Charm



AWS WAF Text Transformation Now Has 15 New Patterns

【Table of contents】

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Text Transformation?
  3. List of AWS WAF Text Transformation Features
  4. Usage
  5. Use with WafCharm
  6. Conclusion

1. Introduction

On June 25, 2021, the number of transformation patterns for AWS WAF Text Transformation has increased significantly. In this article we’ll address what Text Transformation is and how it can be used.

2. What is Text Transformation?

Text Transformation is a function that pre-processes strings before they are inspected by WAF. (For example, the delimiter of directory path is "/" in Linux, while it is "\" in Windows.) The same signature can be used to check for input patterns such as Base64-encoded input and non-Base64-encoded input, and can be used for both input patterns.

Once the expressions are unified, there is no need to prepare multiple check signatures according to the expressions.

3. List of AWS WAF Text Transformation Features


From a total of 21 types of transformation rules, up to 10, (as of June 2021,) can be applied simultaneously. However, since all of the described transformation processes are performed in order, depending on the decoding process, it may be necessary to separate the conditions based on or conditions, etc.

Type New? Description
BASE64_DECODE New Decode base64
BASE64_DECODE_EXT New Decode tolerant base64, such as ignoring invalid characters
CMD_LINE Normalize the input pattern used on the command line
COMPRESS_WHITE_SPACE Normalize whitespace
CSS_DECODE New Decode strings encoded with CSS 2.x escape rule
ESCAPE_SEQ_DECODE New Decode ANSI C escape sequences
HEX_DECODE New Normalize hexadecimal representation to binary representation
HTML_ENTITY_DECODE Decode html character entity reference
JS_DECODE New Decode Javascript escape sequences
LOWERCASE Convert uppercase to lowercase
MD5 New Hash with md5
NONE Do nothing. It is used when Text Transformation is not used.
NORMALIZE_PATH New Normalize special directory representations such as “//” and “../”
NORMALIZE_PATH_WIN New Convert Windows backslash representation to slash and then equivalent to NORMALIZE_PATH
REMOVE_NULLS New Remove nulls
REPLACE_COMMENTS New Replace the C comment “/ ... /” with a space.
REPLACE_NULLS New Replace NULL with blank
SQL_HEX_DECODE New Decode the hexadecimal representation of SQL
URL_DECODE Decode URI-encoded representations
URL_DECODE_UNI New Similar to URL_DECODE, but supports Microsoft% u encoding
UTF8_TO_UNICODE New Convert UTF-8 to Unicode

4. Usage

The originally provided URI_DECODE and LOWERCASE can be used in a very general way. Even in the creation of simple signatures, there will be many opportunities to consider URI encoding and case.

Among the new additions, NORMALIZE_PATH can also be used in many cases.

The others seem to be for power users who want to supplement their own special APIs that are falsely detected by commercial rules.

Unless you are a WAF specialist, there may be a situation where you can use a dedicated whitelist rule that only allows certain inputs to pass.

5. Use in conjunction with WafCharm

It is not expected that WafCharm users will find WafCharm more useful by using Text Transformation together, but there is a possibility that WafCharm rules will be optimized using Text Transformation, or used for rule customization by WafCharm support in a future update.

6. Conclusion

The Text Transformation pattern added this time seems to have been imported from the advanced Text Transformation feature of ModSecurity (https://github.com/SpiderLabs/ModSecurity), an open source WAF.

This feature is designed for more advanced users, as it requires greater technical literacy to operate effectively.

If you are a WafCharm user, you won’t need to utilize it. You can leave the customization and operation of signatures to us as usual.